The Sarnia Bluewater
Chordsmen is an all male
acappella singing group
located in Sarnia, Ontario,
Canada. We are the Sarnia
Chapter of the International
Barbershop Harmony Society,
the largest choral society
in the world.
We meet every Tuesday night, from 7:00 pm to 9pm at All Saints Anglican Church’s parish hall (corner of Vidal Street and Charlotte Street in Sarnia). If you are interested in finding out more about us, attending as a guest at one of our practices, what it would take to become a member of this fine organization or book the chorus or quartets to perform, Contact David Crosbie 226-402-3060.
Hi Everyone!!!! Practices have resumed 7pm every Tuesday at All Saints Anglican Church in Sarnia. Now would be an excellent time to consider being part of our group or at least giving it a try. Men of any age and any musical singing ability are welcome and you do not need to know how to read music! Please give it some serious thought. Singing is fun and healthy for you and you will not find a friendlier bunch of guys than those in the Chordsmen. If you or someone you know wants to come out and listen or hum a few bars let David Crosbie know. Call 226-402-3060.
Upcoming Bluewater Chordsmen Performances:
Saturday June 8, 2024 - Artzscape Event at St. Bart's Anglican Church (Cathcart St). We are singing outside between 11am and noon on the front lawn
Saturday, July 6, 2024 - Performance at Sombra Museum for annual Blueberry Social. Performance would be between 2 and 3pm.